Am Thu, 22 Jul 2004 16:24:22 +0200 schrieb Luke Gorrie <luke@bluetail.com>:
Thomas Schilling <tjs_ng@yahoo.de> writes:
Even a manual M-x slime-connect doesn't work. It says:
connection failed: No such file or directory,, SLIME Lisp
And the problem first occured after I checked out yesterday, though I often have long-running sessions where I cannot really say when I started it.
Does 'telnet localhost 4005' work?
No. I already tried to shut off my firewall. But it didn't help.
And how old was the version of SLIME you were using previously? If more than a month or two you could try connecting to "localhost" instead of "".
Yes, tried that, too. Seems there's no socket open ... I'm now trying to check out an earlier version. I think my last checkout was 7 July. So I'm trying this now ...