Peter Seibel <peter@gigamonkeys.com> writes:
Luke Gorrie <luke@synap.se> writes:
Peter Seibel <peter@gigamonkeys.com> writes:
I think I put that in to copy-cat the CMUCL sources.
In elisp code?
Those comments are only there to say "of the related functions you see here this is the one you should call, the others are subroutines". In 'cvs annotate' it says I added all the Interface comments at the same time in version 1.372. The start of my checkin comment is: Major refactoring. Restructured and documented starting at the top of the file and going down through the networking protocol. IIRC this was leading into SLIME 1.0 I was printing out the sources and reading them with a red pen to try and make them as intelligible as possible. I think that particular effort stopped about 20% of the way through slime.el because I was introducing too many bugs :-) You might try doing this in slime.el btw: M-x occur ^;;;;+ see also "Source Code Layout" in the HACKING file. That any help?