I'm using a SLIME snapshot from October 13th. When I use slime-who-calls to list the calls to a function (e.g. ql-http:fetch), the frame splits, and the window with the xref info shows something like this: /Users/xach/src/quicklisp-client/dist.lisp (DEFMETHOD ENSURE-SYSTEM-INDEX-FILE (DIST)) (DEFMETHOD ENSURE-LOCAL-ARCHIVE-FILE (RELEASE)) (DEFMETHOD ENSURE-RELEASE-INDEX-FILE (DIST)) (DEFMETHOD AVAILABLE-VERSIONS (DIST)) /Users/xach/src/quicklisp-client/dist-update.lisp INSTALL-DIST (DEFMETHOD AVAILABLE-UPDATE (DIST)) ... The cursor is placed at the beginning of the first line. As I move my cursor down in the xref window, the other window jumps to each use of the function that corresponds to the line containing the cursor. However, when the cursor reaches the second file pathname line, the xref buffer is replaced in the window with a buffer showing the file in question. I can no longer move up and down in the xref buffer to show calls to the function. I expected to be able to continue to use the xref buffer until I hit SPACE for slime-goto-xref, or used some other window management option to close it. Are my expectations reasonable? Have I possibly screwed up my local configuration? Is the behavior different in CVS slime? What would you recommend I do? Thanks, Zach