On 15 Dec 2003, at 10:29, Nicolas Neuss wrote:
Helmut Eller <e9626484@stud3.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
Nicolas Neuss <Nicolas.Neuss@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de> writes:
Yes. I have calculations which need some time and I want that information printed during the calculation is shown as soon as possible.
E.g. try
(dotimes (i 10) (format t "~a~%" i) (sleep 1))
with "C-xC-e". This will show the result only after everything has finished. Inserting (force-output t) gives continuous output and might be a possible alternative even if it does require to change the application. But even in that case it does not pop up the *slime-repl* buffer if it is hidden.
I found this annoying as well. It happens in REPL too. For example, when you load a couple of ASDF systems, you won't see much (only partial) output. I am using OpenMCL. Sven