Luke Gorrie <luke@bluetail.com> writes:
Which Lisp versions do you use SLIME with?
SBCL bleeding edge. Usually I get myself into a complete mess with multiple fasls of old(er) versions lying around, and wondering what it is I've done this time to cause binary incompatibility.
Which Emacs versions?
GNU Emacs 21.3.1. (Or, more generally, whatever's in Debian unstable today).
How well does SLIME work for you?
Pretty well. It was already quite good for the limited application programming that I do; with its improved ability to understand SBCL syntax, all I have to do is train myself out of the habit of using X cut'n'paste for incremental development...
What bugs (reproducible or otherwise) or missing features annoy you?
I would like to see a little more work on coordination between slime and implementations (not just SBCL, though obviously that's where my focus is). There's a load of complicated code in swank-sbcl.lisp that I'd just love to break on the grounds that no-one asked me for PERMISSION to use MY symbols... on the other hand, I can imagine hordes of angry lispers turning up in London (or Cambridge, at the weekend ;-) and lynching me if I've broken their SLIME 1.0. One thing: emacs seems relatively bad at fontifying large buffers. It's quite possible that this is my fault, but doing a full compilation of CLX, McCLIM and Gsharp, say, is probably slower than it could be because of scrolling and fontifying interaction buffers. I'm sure SLIME isn't designed for this kind of abuse... but maybe it could be. :-)
Is there some packaging system (e.g. Debian) that you would like to see SLIME 1.0 bundled with? If so, do you know how to coordinate this?
I can help with Debian integration, though not with the actual distribution (though if pushed I have Debian Developers who owe me favours :) -- I would like to encourage stable versions of SLIME to be distributed via the package management system, because then you get the benefits of reciprocal advocacy: sbcl's Debian package can "Recommend: slime", for instance.
If you said anything negative above then please say something nice here to make us feel good:
I'm very impressed at the way you've alleviated the need for a cl-emacs. It's probably not ZWEI or Zmacs (or similar mythological Nirvana), but it seems pretty good to me. Will buy drinks (in addition to the ones I owe Luke!) just as soon as my paychecks start coming through :-) Christophe -- http://www-jcsu.jesus.cam.ac.uk/~csr21/ +44 1223 510 299/+44 7729 383 757 (set-pprint-dispatch 'number (lambda (s o) (declare (special b)) (format s b))) (defvar b "~&Just another Lisp hacker~%") (pprint #36rJesusCollegeCambridge)