* Kilian Sprotte [2007-08-19 23:12+0200] writes:
I have just installed the contrib branch - everything's loading and working fine so far.
Good to hear that.
It seems very tempting now to add some more contributions... :)
I am thinking about one that uses cl-ppcre for find / replace in a specific asdf:system or all asdf::*defined-systems*.
For this I have some old code that I find pretty useful and I will try to write it up more nicely.
I will probably want to add a submenu at the end of the SLIME menu (or somewhere else?).
I have tried using: (easy-menu-add-item menubar-slime nil ["hallo" hallo t])
But it seems to be adding this entry sometimes only in the SLIME menu for the REPL or in the menu for the slime-mode.
What do you think about menus for contributions in general?
Many Mozilla add-ons insert menu items after a certain separator in the (Mozilla) tools menu. We could adopt a convention like that. I don't know in detail how to implement that in Emacs, but I'm confident that it isn't very hard. Helmut.