Hi, First, thanks so much for your prompt reply. On Fri, 15 Aug 2008, "Tobias C. Rittweiler" <tcr@freebits.de> writes:
The temporary file is probably deleted after the connection succeeded. You can look into the *inferior-lisp* buffer (cf. above) where the port number is shown.
Hrm... I thought it lives in place during the lifetime of the inferior lisp process.
You cannot multiply connect to the same swank server. You can however, start several swank servers in your Lisp image if the Lisp implementation you use supports threads, or serve-event.
Got it.
You have to manually start the SWANK server, and use CREATE-SERVER's :PORT key argument.
For this purpose, I've created two small custom `inferior-lisp' and `slime-connect' functions. (defun custom-slime-connect (host port n-tries) (assert (not (< n-tries 0))) (unless (zerop n-tries) (condition-case data (run-with-timer 0.3 nil #'slime-connect host port) (error (message "Retrying swank connection... %d" n-tries) (custom-slime-connect host port (1- n-tries)))))) (defun custom-slime () (interactive) (inferior-lisp (format "%s --load /home/vy/.swank" inferior-lisp-program)) (custom-slime-connect "" 4005 10)) But this time evaluation enters into `custom-slime-connect', executes `(run-with-timer ...)' expression, *Messages* display `Connecting to Swank on port 4005...' lines (2 times) and nothing happens. Would you mind helping me to spot the problem? Furthermore, in the *inferior-lisp* buffer started by `inferior-lisp' command, after every expression I evaluate in *inferior-lisp* buffer, it displays ;; SWANK: sb-thread::get-foreground ... in the *inferior-lisp* buffer and the steps into the prompt. Is that something expected? BTW, I'm quite suprised that almost everybody is satisfied with the current close-socket-on-client-disconnects behavior. My client disconnects from the inferior lisp image nearly two or three times a day. (I suspect this is because of non-latin characters, despite my coding-system set to "utf-8-unix".) And because of I cannot reconnect, I need to start SLIME from scratch, which is quite irritating. IMHO, it'd awesome if it'd be possible to start a dedicated swank server easily in SLIME. Regards. P.S. I couldn't instrument `custom-slime-connect' for debugging, because of swank server moves faster than me while stepping.