On Wed, 28 Sep 2005 12:10:38 -0700, <tfb@OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote:
Helmut Eller writes:
* Stefan Kamphausen [2005-09-27 14:01+0200] writes:
If you are interested in using this code in -say- slime.el I'll pass copyright to you (as I state in the header of the attached file). If you prefer to receive a patch to slime.el I can do that, too. Just tell me.
Nice idea! Yes, I think we should add this or something like this. I wonder if we need explicit commands to load/save the history or if we should simply load it at startup and append the current line to the file every time when return gets pressed.
Ahhh, you want to kill my poor iBook's battery!
I guess, I wouldn't bother to save the history if I need to invoke an explicit command.
Are you sure? What if the REPL were considered just like any other file-backed buffer, and C-x C-s saved it, C-x s prompted you about it, and exiting Emacs would ask you if you wanted to save it?
For me, the times I would want to save the REPL are the times I need to shutdown and continue a work session later. Otherwise, I tend to complete the problem before slime is terminated, and have little interest in the REPL history. I suppose a three-state state-variable is required: one state to never save the REPL, one state to always save it locally, and the third state to follow the above suggestion of C-x C-s. -- In Common Lisp quite a few aspects of pathname semantics are left to the implementation.