I'm trying to understand the behavioral difference that I'm seeing between the sbcl and clisp backends for slime on Windows. First some background. I have Lisp code that enters a loop to process Windows messages. There is a get-message function that blocks until the next message is available, retrieves each such message, and then once that message has been processed, the loop returns to get-message. Eventually, the application exits the message loop and control ultimately returns to the repl. I understand that in single-threaded Lisps like clisp and sbcl/win32, this means that the slime repl will freeze until my message loop exits, though commands that I type ahead will be queued (and that's another nice feature of slime). Now, when I run clisp via slime, this configuration works fine. Messages get processed just fine while in the loop, and slime works just fine between runs of my code (i.e., outside of the message loop). When I run sbcl via slime, not only does the slime repl freeze (which I accept as expected behavior), but the blocking call to get-message never returns either. I can use C-c C-c to interrupt sbcl, though. With some experimental hackery, which I have not yet boiled down to a workable solution, I can actually get a functional message loop running in the slime/sbcl case. This involves bastardizing my code's setup for the loop one time, let that execute and so it immediately returns control to slime, and then restore the correct code. So there seems to be a possibility of achieving the same behavior as I'm getting with clisp. I see that there is a configuration parameter called swank::*communication-style* that I can set in my local .swank.lisp. The swank-sbcl.lisp backend code appears to force the comm style to nil and there is a comment in the preferred-communication-style function about needing to revisit that once sbcl/win32 gets better select() support. I did verify that the comm style is nil when running clisp as well. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what the difference might be between the clisp and sbcl backends in this regard, or possible workarounds to investigate? Thanks in advance. -- Jack Unrue