Hi Sunil, On Jan 18, 2008 9:42 AM, Sunil Mishra <smishra@sfmishras.com> wrote:
This has got to be a FAQ, only I don't know if there is a SLIME FAQ... I have been waiting for a new official release of slime for some time. But there hasn't been one since 2006. I'm not sure where I should look to find out what I can do with the current CVS of SLIME either. Can anyone offer pointers on where I should look to learn what's changed since 2006?
The major change would be the breakup of slime into "base" and "contributions". If you look at the "Contributions" section of the manual, that has details about how certain functionality that used to be in "base" SLIME has been split off and how to enable it if you want to use it. I also wrote a blog post that provides a sample setup: http://bc.tech.coop/blog/070927.html However, a lot of changes have been made since 2006, so you might have to look through the changelog (and, perhaps read through the mailing list archives) to identify some of them. -- Bill Clementson