On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Stas Boukarev <stassats@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm actually quite surprised what could've prompted to conclude that there is any kind of a conflict.
B/c `slime-eval-print-last-expression' and `slime-eval-last-expression' (wrapper around `slime-interactive-eval') provide essentially the same functionality and the return value of each should be consistently transparent: ,---- (documentation 'slime-eval-print-last-expression) | Evaluate sexp before point; print value into the current buffer `---- ,---- (documentation 'slime-interactive-eval) | | Read and evaluate STRING and print value in minibuffer. | | Note: If a prefix argument is in effect then the result will be | inserted in the current buffer. | `---- B/c `slime-eval-print-last-expression' should not be seeing the dynamic binding that happens around *standard-output* per SWANK:EVAL-AND-GRAB-OUTPUT `slime-eval-print-last-expression' `-> slime-eval-print `--> slime-eval-print `---> SWANK:EVAL-AND-GRAB-OUTPUT (defun slime-eval-print-last-expression (string) (interactive (list (slime-last-expression))) (insert "\n") (slime-eval-print string)) (defun slime-eval-print (string) "Eval STRING in Lisp; insert any output and the result at point." (slime-eval-async `(swank:eval-and-grab-output ,string) (lambda (result) (destructuring-bind (output value) result (push-mark) (insert output value))))) ;; swank.lisp around the form: (*standard-output* s) (defslimefun eval-and-grab-output (string) (with-buffer-syntax () (with-retry-restart (:msg "Retry SLIME evaluation request.") (let* ((s (make-string-output-stream)) (*standard-output* s) (values (multiple-value-list (eval (from-string string))))) (list (get-output-stream-string s) (format nil "~{~S~^~%~}" values)))))) ;;; ============================== `slime-eval-last-expression' `-> `slime-eval-last-expression' `--> `slime-interactive-eval' `---> `SWANK:INTERACTIVE-EVAL' (defun slime-eval-last-expression () "Evaluate the expression preceding point." (interactive) (slime-interactive-eval (slime-last-expression))) (defun slime-interactive-eval (string) "Read and evaluate STRING and print value in minibuffer. Note: If a prefix argument is in effect then the result will be inserted in the current buffer." (interactive (list (slime-read-from-minibuffer "Slime Eval: "))) (case current-prefix-arg ((nil) (slime-eval-with-transcript `(swank:interactive-eval ,string))) ((-) (slime-eval-save string)) (t (slime-eval-print string)))) (defslimefun interactive-eval (string) (with-buffer-syntax () (with-retry-restart (:msg "Retry SLIME interactive evaluation request.") (let ((values (multiple-value-list (eval (from-string string))))) (finish-output) (format-values-for-echo-area values))))) -- /s_P\