* Michael Livshin [2007-08-25 17:01+0200] writes:
<example> (defmacro my-macro (name (&rest args) &body function-bindings) ...)
#+swank (setf (swank:emacs-indentation 'my-macro) '(6 4 (&whole 2 &rest (&whole 1 &lambda &body))))
Can't you do that with Emacs' file local variables? E.g.
;; Local Variables: ;; eval: (set-indentation '(6 4 (&whole 2 &rest (&whole 1 &lambda &body)))) ;; End:
set-indentation is just a hypothetical name to illustrate the idea. This way we wouldn't need to put anything into *features* and the file could also be edited without connected Lisp.