Marco Baringer writes:
Madhu writes:
Helu, I tried this patch on Emacs of 2006-12-10, but it seems to break on xrefs. The truncated backtrace reads:
Thanks Macro for taking care of the issue; and thanks Madhu for testing the patch!
I, however, found another regression when trying to abort a compilation, since the return value of SWANK::SWANK-COMPILER wasn't as homogeneous as I'd have thought. Fix attached.
2007-04-16 Tobias C. Rittweiler <INSERT-EMAIL-HERE>
* swank.lisp (swank-compiler): Fix the return value to always be a list of two elements even if the abort restart is invoked which originally just returned NIL. (Which wouldn't play with the recent change to use DESTRUCTURING-BIND in SLIME-COMPILATION-FINISHED.)