Mark Evenson wrote:
Mark Evenson wrote:
With SLIME from 20080216, I cannot seem to include slime-asdf in the list passed to SLIME-SETUP getting the following error in Emacs 22.1 *Messages*:
With SLIME 2008-02-17, this error no longer occurs for me: I am to load slime-asdf from the slime-setup initialization list just fine via my initialization code.
Have you added initialization code to set the Emacs 'load-path' variable? The current revisions of slime.el (1.905) and slime-autoloads.el (1.4) contain an error that sets 'load-path' incorrectly for the location of the 'contrib' code. If you have added initialization code that sets 'load-path' correctly, then this will mask those errors. A suggested patch to the SLIME code is included in this thread: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.slime.devel/7068