Luke Gorrie <luke@bluetail.com> writes:
Which Lisp versions do you use SLIME with?
Originally OpenMCL from Darwin Ports, then SBCL from CVS on OS X, and I expect to bounce back and forth between those two depending on what I am working on.
Which Emacs versions?
Carbon build of Emacs from CVS (5-15-2004) on OS X
How well does SLIME work for you?
Mostly pretty well. I don't hammer it that hard though.
What bugs (reproducible or otherwise) or missing features annoy you?
Sometimes, and this seems totally random, the SBCL debugger only shows up in the REPL rather than giving me the SLIME debugger. I don't like the point being moved into the macroexpand1 window when I do C-c C-m.
Is there some packaging system (e.g. Debian) that you would like to see SLIME 1.0 bundled with? If so, do you know how to coordinate this?
I expect I will continue to use SLIME from CVS and take advantage of ASDF.
If you said anything negative above then please say something nice here to make us feel good:
I think SLIME made it easier for me to explore Lisp programming. I particularly like being able to compile functions from inside the lisp buffer so that I don't have to jump to the repl a lot. I tend to also put test code in the lisp buffer where I do C-x C-e to evaluate it. This is much nicer than pasting into the repl. -- An ideal world is left as an excercise to the reader. --- Paul Graham, On Lisp 8.1