I checked out SLIME from the CVS repository on 11/24/04. I'm using it on my PowerBook G4 which is running Mac OS X version 10.3.6, emacs version 21.2.1, and CLISP (a recent version, not sure which one precisely). My problem is that when I edit a form that was previously entered, part of it always gets chopped off when I hit enter. For example: CL-USER> (princ 'hello) HELLO HELLO ;; Now I use the arrow keys to go back to the form that was just evaluated ;; and edit it so that it looks like this CL-USER> (princ-to-string 'hello) ;; When I hit enter I get the following CL-USER> 'hello) This happens every time. All text of the form prior to the point of my last edit within the form is chopped off. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks! - tim --------------------------------------- Tim Oates, Assistant Professor Department of CS and EE University of Maryland Baltimore County (410) 455-3082 http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~oates