Thomas Schilling <tjs_ng@yahoo.de> writes:
The exact error message is:
(stream/warning) failure to open network stream to host "localhost" for service "4005"
Took a look at the changelog--Luke, something to confess?
The relevant init.el part:
;; start up slime (global-set-key [(f5)] '(lambda () (interactive) (shell-command "c:/programme/acl62-demo/allegro-ansi.exe +B +cm -L ~/slime.lisp&") (sleep-for 3) (slime-connect "localhost" 4005) (cd "~/Eigene Dateien/")))
Is it just the obvious race condition? That function assumes that Lisp will have the server up and running within 3 seconds. If it's not up in time then you'd get the error you respoted. Note that if the Lisp sources have changed (e.g. after cvs update) then swank-loader will recompile them, and that could easily take more than 3 seconds. The smallest fix would be to change the connecting part to something like: (while (not (ignore-errors (slime-connect "localhost" 4005) t)) (sit-for 1)) .. to loop until the connection succeeds.