my actual problem is that Helmut moved some annoying compatibility definitions out of the way (to the end of the file) but i'm using some of them in the darcs repo while loading. i've moved these back to the head of the file there, but such changes are moving the branches further away.
Attila, there is not enough room for both us on this project. Either you leave or I'll leave it.
uh, i'm surprised to hear this. i guess this is the point in movies when people quietly start to flee from the bar... :) but seriously, my wording may have been ambigous... i didn't mean it as a critique that you moved those functions out of the way - i also cosider that a good change. i'm simply trying to minimize the distance between the branches while keeping them in sync. and to make it also clear: my branch only exists for clearly practical reasons, there are no bad feelings behind on my part. otoh, i don't know what else i could say. in a way i'm already off this project by not committing to the cvs anymore (to avoid these kind of arguments). but until now i tought that i'll share those ideas/changes of mine that i think are most probably not against the desire of most of the users. -- - attila "- The truth is that I've been too considerate, and so became unintentionally cruel... - I understand. - No, you don't understand! We don't speak the same language!" (Ingmar Bergman - Smultronstället)