Well, it works for me.
Okay, my bad, it does connect now (somehow not all the files got transfered over from CVS before). Anyway, like I said it does connect, and things appear to work for a while, but an output form such as (format t "hello") will bring it to it's knees. Here's the *slime-events* buffer after the error raised by (format t "hello"): ---------------------- (17 "(NIL (#<Swank-Backend::Slime-Output-Stream #x10853BD0>) #< COMPILED-FUNCTION: #x10351EC8 >)") (18 "(FUNCALL #< COMPILED-FUNCTION: #x107CB038 > (#<Swank-Backend::Slime-Output-Stream #x10853BD0>) #< COMPILED-FUNCTION: #x10351EC8 >)") (19 "(GRAY-STREAMS:STREAM-FRESH-LINE (#<Swank-Backend::Slime-Output-Stream #x10853BD0>))")) (4)) (:debug-activate 0 1) ----------------------- And here's the *sldb cormanlisp/0* buffer: --------------------------------------------- No primary methods for the generic function #<Standard-Generic-Function GRAY-STREAMS:STREAM-TERPRI #x1037DB90>. [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [ABORT-REQUEST] Abort handling SLIME request. 1: [ABORT] Abort to top level. Backtrace: 0: (ERROR "No primary methods for the generic function ~S." #<Standard-Generic-Function GRAY-STREAMS:STREAM-TERPRI #x1037DB90>) 1: (COMMON-LISP::STD-COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-METHOD-FUNCTION #<Standard-Generic-Function GRAY-STREAMS:STREAM-TERPRI #x1037DB90> NIL) 2: (COMMON-LISP::SLOW-METHOD-LOOKUP #<Standard-Generic-Function GRAY-STREAMS:STREAM-TERPRI #x1037DB90> (#<Swank-Backend::Slime-Output-Stream #x10853BD0>) (#<Standard-Class SWANK-BACKEND::SLIME-OUTPUT-STREAM #x1078D598>)) 3: (NIL #<Swank-Backend::Slime-Output-Stream #x10853BD0>) 4: (GRAY-STREAMS::GRAY-TERPRI #<Swank-Backend::Slime-Output-Stream #x10853BD0>) 5: (NIL) 6: (FUNCALL #< COMPILED-FUNCTION: #x107EABB0 >) 7: (NIL) 8: (FUNCALL #< COMPILED-FUNCTION: #x107E3590 >) 9: (NIL :NULL-LOCK #< COMPILED-FUNCTION: #x107E3590 >) 10: (APPLY #< COMPILED-FUNCTION: #x107D06B0 > :NULL-LOCK #< COMPILED-FUNCTION: #x107E3590 > NIL) --more--