Paul Bowyer <pbowyer@olynet.com> writes:
I corrected my install script to use the suggested ordering and the test suite completes successfully with the one expected failure. I have a separate test script for use with CCL and it also completes succesfully with one expected failure. I am able to start slime without removing any ".elc" files in slime/contrib, which I could not do before.
OK great, this is the same behaviour I observe.
However I still get the emacs debug window that I have to abort out of.
This I don't see. I need a recipe for reproducing this, so please provide start emacs and slime with this recipe and then list all the steps that bring you to that "debug window" cd path/to/where/you/cloned/slime emacs -Q -L . -l slime-autoloads.el \ --eval "(setq inferior-lisp-program \"sbcl\")" \ --eval "(add-to-list 'slime-contribs 'slime-fancy)" < any extra setup > M-x toggle-debug-on-error ; this is useful M-x slime < any extra steps > Also post the exact versions of sbcl and emacs you are using emacs --version and sbcl --version should give you that. Finally post (I think you already did though) relevant message in any *sldb* or *Backtrace* bufers you get.
After that I have a slime REPL and I'll do some work to see how it goes. It will probably take me a little time to become accustomed to the ways of emacs 24 though.
Out of curiosity, what's so different from 23 to 24 for you?
By the way do you just want the files compiled or do you really need to know the results of the test suite? Because the results posted by the CI system might be interesting and they are at https://travis-ci.org/slime/slime. I looked at the site and it seems a much more elaborate system is used than I have, so I would like to continue with my simple install/test scripts, which I can manage without a lot of effort. I usually only run the slime test suite once upon downloading slime from github.
The site is just a service for continuious integration that SLIME uses. It's just there as a measure of the current git trunk's stability, for users to inspect. You're not really supposed to "use it" in your workflow unless perhaps you are developing new features/new tests in your own fork of SLIME.