Alain.Picard@memetrics.com writes:
Nikodemus Siivola writes:
On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Luke Gorrie wrote:
tags file like emacs Lisp-mode when it's standard behavior fails?
Certainly this is possible, but why not compile/load the module that you're browsing instead?
Because the box is under too much strain already, or loading the module would take too long, or the module is not in a loadable state.
Concur. This is what ILISP does, and I think it's fine behaviour. One often wants to view some files "read only", not polluting the state of the underlying lisp world with undesired symbols.
Okay, I'll surrender in to the rising "fallback on tags" movement before it gets ugly :-) Now you can do this: (setq slime-edit-definition-fallback-function 'find-tag)