1 Nov
1 Nov
7:32 p.m.
On 1 nov 2004, Nikodemus Siivola wrote:
On Sat, 30 Oct 2004, Xavier Maillard wrote:
In fact sometimes when loading a file, says test.lisp, I can clear see ilip related stuff and thus, it crashes.
I do *NOT* load any ilisp related stuff in my .emacs. What should I check to completely disable this /side-effect/ ?
Uninstall ilisp?
AFAIK, I did *not* install any ilisp stuff :/ I think it comes with all Emacs distribution, doesn't it ? -- Hacker Wonderland Xavier Maillard| "Stand Back! I'm a programmer!" .0. zedek@gnu-rox.orgz| ..0 (+33) 326 770 221 | Webmaster, emacsfr.org 000 PGP : 0x1E028EA5 | Membre de l' APRIL