UU UUUUU melbardman@gmail.com writes:
In the ACL top level REPL, keywords like ":cd" and ":pwd" have specific meanings. :cd changes the current directory, and :pwd prints it. When I type these into the slime repl, they are just interpreted as keywords. How can I recover the ACL top-level functionality from the slime repl?
1. It is possible, but not easy (I have some unpublished hack for this purpose, but it takes some time to isolate & publish...).
2. SLIME has its own REPL extensions, activated by , (comma) being the first character, and providing minibuffer prompt, completion and other goodies like that. You might like it even more.
3. There is also a portable REPL in the (quicklispable) gbbopen project. It looks somewhat closer to ACL-REPL, only more complex (it aims at easy extensibility and support for multiple systems/modules). It hooks into SLIME/SWANK automatically (IIRC any load order is ok, either swank-first or gbbopen-first).