Paul Bowyer <pbowyer@olynet.com> writes:
Hello João,
Thanks for the link showing me how to get emacs 24,3. I followed the instructions and it installed without problems. I was still having the same problem starting slime in it until I disabled the instructions to run the test suite in my install script. Then slime loaded without a hitch the first time.
On subsequent loads, I sometimes get a window in emacs named *sldb nil/1* with: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Interrupt thread failed: thread #<THREAD "Swank 44066" FINISHED values: NIL {10033EB6A3}> has exited. [Condition of type SB-THREAD:INTERRUPT-THREAD-ERROR]
Restarts: 0: [ABORT] Abort thread (#<THREAD "Swank Sentinel" RUNNING {10033EB2C3}>)
Backtrace: 0: (SB-THREAD:INTERRUPT-THREAD #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "Swank 44066" FINISHED values: NIL {10033EB6A3}> #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA NIL :IN SB-THREAD:TERMINATE-THREAD) {1001C9062B}>) ---------------------------------------------------------------- I can select abort and it closes the debug window and leaves the slime repl running. This debug window doesn't always occur. If I wait for awhile before restarting emacs and slime, it sometimes comes up without the debug window. More often than not, the debug window comes up.
This seems to be unrealated to the .elc compilation problems you report below, but I'll help you fix them anyway because to analyse it I need a more stable error recipe.
In my install script, I just delete the slime folder and then do:
git clone https://github.com/slime/slime.git cd ~/my-slime-sandbox/slime #change to doc folder and make the docs #change back to slime folder #then run make clean check make check-fancy
Unfortunately, I think that due to missing compilation dependencies, you should run "make clean check-fancy" and then "make check". That will compile the files in the correct order. This need for ordering is a indeed a bug, probably introduced by me, specifically make clean compile contrib-compile FAILS make clean contrib-compile compile PASSES By the way do you just want the files compiled or do you really need to know the results of the test suite? Because the results posted by the CI system might be interesting and they are at https://travis-ci.org/slime/slime. If you use the workaround or wait until the bug is fixed your "install script", and a good reproduction recipe, for bugs should be something like git pull make clean contrib-compile compile # make check check-fancy emacs -Q -L . -l slime-autoloads.el \ --eval "(setq inferior-lisp-program \"sbcl\")" \ --eval "(add-to-list 'slime-contribs 'slime-fancy)" M-x slime works nicely for me!