I recently upgraded Slime, and now I keep getting these very annoying warnings, usually when I do something in the modeline, but also at other apparently random times: (1) (error/warning) Error in `post-command-hook' (setting hook to nil): (wrong-type-argument natnump t) If I turn debug on, this is what I get: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument natnump t) signal(wrong-type-argument (natnump t)) set-itimer-restart(("run-with-idle-timer<2>" 0.2 0.2 eldoc-print-current-symbol-info t t nil (19018 24548 646301)) t) timer-set-idle-time(("run-with-idle-timer<2>" 0.2 0.2 eldoc-print-current-symbol-info t t nil (19018 24548 646301)) 0.2 t) eldoc-schedule-timer() I'm using Allegro CL 8.1 and XEmacs 21.4.21. I also observed the problem that was reported here earlier: slime-bug("Caught error during fontification while searching for forms that are suppressed by reader-conditionals. The error was: (cl-assertion-failed (<= (point) limit)) but I was able to stop XEmacs doing whatever it was doing with C-g before it ran out of memory. Thanks, Alberto