Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2006 18:37:49 +0200 From: Ralf Mattes <rm@mh-freiburg.de> i'm trying to use paredit-mode in Slime's repl but unfortunately enabling paredit mode results in a dysfunctional repl -- pressing 'enter'/'return' while the pointer is after the closing sexpression only inserts a newline but doesn't send the expression to the lisp process. BTW, i tried both supported types of slime-repl-return-behavior. Try the latest paredit beta, available at <http://mumble.net/~campbell/emacs/paredit-beta.el>. It no longer shadows the binding of RET; instead it now follows the standard GNU Emacs convention of giving C-j a fancy binding and leaving RET alone. (You are still free, of course, to bind RET for your personal use in paredit-mode-map or other places, and indeed I do this, but Paredit Mode no longer interferes with other bindings of RET.)