Carlos Konstanski <ckonstanski@pippiandcarlos.com> writes:
Carlos Konstanski writes:
OK, I think this has nothing to do with slime, rather it is a problem? feature? of the new sbcl-1.0.19. I can reproduce the issue when running without slime in an sbcl REPL at the command line. I guess the next step is to try sbcl-1.0.18 and see if the issue persists (which it won't), and examine the changelog. -- Carlos
I spoke too soon, as is often the case. I narrowed down the problem to a specific CVS commit in slime. The commit where the problem first appears is:
slime.el: 1.933 swank-sbcl.lisp: 1.194
date: 2008-03-26 09:57:37 -0600; author: trittweiler; state: Exp; lines: +26 -8
(block outta (let ((*debugger-hook* #'(lambda (c hook) (declare (ignore hook)) (return-from outta 42)))) (error "FOO")))
would kist silently skip over the *DEBUGGER-HOOK*, and pop right into SLDB to handle the error. Fix that.
What is your exact test case you're taking judgement on the problem from? -T.