Helu * "Attila Lendvai" <b54b34af0701141454g238654f6m26e5c8f04e16d8ae@XXXX> : | | [1 <text/plain; UTF-8 (base64)>] | a recent checkin to cvs eliminated a very useful (ymmv) feature: M-r | and M-s behaved just like C-s when it was sequently pressed more then | once. [I haven't updated in a while so I still get this behaviour -- with this behaviour, I dont know how to handle this scenario: Type a few characters, press M-r a few times getting a few matches, and _then_ modify the regexp being searched for, without having to start over] May I suggest adding a contrib.el file or a contrib/ directory in the main repository in which typical customizations/variants/add-ons (useful in the view of the authors) can be collected. This might help keeping basic slime lean. (Perhaps this M-r M-s issue might be a good starting point) -- Madhu