Patrick May <pjm@spe.com> writes:
I'm using Slime in Aquamacs with CCL. When I evaluate (random 100) repeatedly in CCL started from a shell, I get a randomly generated number between 0 and 99 inclusive. When I do the same with C-x C-e within Slime, I get the same number every time. (random 100 (make- random-state)) gives the same behavior, but (random 100 (make-random- state t)) works properly.
Is Slime caching something or have I hosed up my environment?
Sorry for the late response. CCL's swank backend uses threads by default, and threads inherit values from the global environment. *RANDOM-STATE* probably becomes thread-local automatically in CCL, resulting in the behaviour you described. It should work when you type in the form at the Slime REPL which evaluates all forms in the same thread. -T.