On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 17:34:51 -0800 (PST), enometh@meer.net wrote:
Even if it WFM, and provides a shiny feature, it should be clear that the existing code is wrong?
I don't know, I haven't checked. I just noted that you seem to be the only one who reported problems with it so far while it works fine for me (and not only for me as I positively know that other people also use slime-complete-symbol*). My completely egoistic preference is that the behaviour where point ends up directly after the shortest unambiguous prefix is kept as is. If you insist on modifying this function, I'd suggest that you send a patch which a) works around your problems without changing what the function does or b) adds a customization option so that one can optionally force the function to work the way you want it. I know that Helmut doesn't like customizations, but for me they're fine - most of them I simply ignore hoping that the default is fine... :)