On 06/11/06, Madhu <enometh@meer.net> wrote:
* "Brad Beveridge" <de95dc6f0611052329r51b935b3p6ec637e118e9f3be@mail...> | I'm trying to write a Common Lisp frontend that speaks to a Swank | backend.
I did this a while ago, for CMUCL with simple-streams for network IO. I'm attaching the file (slapping an LLGPL, with the hope it may be useful). Since Slime seems to be gaining in size perhaps a compliant CL client can be included with the sources?
-- Regards Madhu
Thanks a lot Madhu. To be honest I think that I am further along with my stuff, though it is nice to have some more code to look at :) I think it would be nice to have a properly maintained CL Swank frontend as part of Slime, but it needs to be pretty polished IMHO. If anybody is interested in my code I can post it here for review/critique. It will be released under whatever license Swank runs under. Cheers Brad