* "Tobias C. Rittweiler" <877huyjukd.fsf@freebits.de> : Wrote on Wed, 14 Oct 2009 09:36:34 +0200: | I'm in mid of other stuff, so I'd like to delegate this work to someone | else who would like to try himself at some elisp hacking. | | I'd like to have M-x slime-open-system which would ask me for an asdf | system, and then open all the files listed in its .asd file. | Here is my code for doing that with MK-DEFSYSTEM systems. I prompt for system names via the minibuffer, and if the system has recursive dependencies, I get an sldb prompt asking whether I want to recursively handle files in the subsystems. Also I use SWANK::SLIME-EVAL-IN-EMACS to call find-file, rather than getting a list of files in emacs (for 2 reasons). So I set `slime-enable-evaluate-in-emacs' to `t' ;; Emacs side: (setq slime-enable-evaluate-in-emacs t) (defun slime-open-system (&optional system) (interactive (list (completing-read "MK Defsystem: " (slime-eval `(cl:mapcar 'mk::component-name (mk::defined-systems)))))) (slime-eval `(swank::open-system ,system))) ;; Lisp side: (defun swank::open-system (system) "Opens the files of a given MK:DEFSYSTEM system in Emacs." (swank::mk-map-files system (lambda (x) (with-simple-restart (skip-this "Skip.") (swank::eval-in-emacs `(progn (find-file ,(namestring (truename x))) nil ;; SWANK bug: SWANK::EVAL-IN-EMACS cant handle return ;; the value of find-file )))))) (defun swank::mk-map-files (system &optional f) ;; One _could_ use mk::*operations-propagate-to-subsystems* instead of ;; *recursively-handle-deps* to control what happens on dependencies but the ;; default value may not be appropriate. (labels ((walk-components (component) (declare (special *recursively-handle-deps*)) (ecase (mk::component-type component) ((:file :private-file) (let ((src (mk::component-full-pathname component :source))) (if f (funcall f src) (list src)))) ((:module :system :subsystem :defsystem) (let ((deps (mk::component-depends-on component))) (when (and deps (not *recursively-handle-deps*)) (restart-case (cerror "Skip deps" "System ~S depends on: ~S." component deps) (recursively-open-deps () :report "Recursively handle deps." (setq *recursively-handle-deps* t)))) (nconc (when (and deps *recursively-handle-deps*) (loop for dep in deps for depsys = (ignore-errors (mk:find-system dep)) unless depsys do (warn "Not handling unknown system: ~S." dep) else nconc (walk-components depsys))) (loop for x in (mk::component-components component) nconc (walk-components x)))))))) (let ((*recursively-handle-deps* nil) (system (etypecase system (mk::component (ecase (mk::component-type system) (:defsystem system))) (symbol (mk:find-system system)) (string (mk:find-system system))))) (declare (special *recursively-handle-deps*)) (walk-components system)))) -- Madhu