Hi, I have committed a new file (swank-ecl.lisp) and a couple of fixes in swank-loader.lisp so that slime works with the lisp implementation ECL (http://ecls.sourceforge.net). I did not have much time to work on this port, and the loader (swank-ecl.lisp) is basically the one I already submitted to this list long ago. I only included some changes contributed by a member of the ECL mailing list (Johan Bockgård,) and which were available at http://www.dd.chalmers.se/~bojohan/emacs/slime/ These changes forces swank to be loaded in the interpreter, as the ECL compiler is not mature enough and crashes with some of the toplevel forms in slime. I did not do any extensive checking, but simple things seem to work. If only, I realized that many error messages in ECL are not very useful :-) Regards Juanjo