rif <rif@MIT.EDU> writes:
; Warning: Interface file #4P"ccl:darwin-headers;libc;functions.cdb" does not exist.
the problem is here, probably. what does (truename #4P"ccl:darwin-headers;libc;functions.cdb") return? does that file acutally exist? OpenMCL attempts to figure out where to get interface files by examinig the environment variable CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY, you could try (i think) setting this via emacs' setenv function (emacs on osx doesn't read .profile and friends), or you could edit openmcl's wrapper script and use that, here's what mine looks like:
#!/bin/sh if [ -z "$CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY" ]; then CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY=/Users/mb/lisp/ccl/ fi DD=${CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY} CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY=${DD} exec ${DD}/dppccl -n -l /Users/mb/lisp/ccl-init.lisp "$@"
-- -Marco
Thanks! This finally fixed the problem. Cheers, rif