Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments (lambda (f startval l) "reduce the list l by the binary function f. Use start value startval (cf MacLennnan p. 396)" (cond ((null l) startval) (t (apply f (list (car l) (reduce f startval (cdr l))))))) 4) reduce(slime-most-severe ((:message "--> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n==>\n (SB-IMPL::%DEFUN 'FOO (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL)) NIL\n 'NIL (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION))\nThe variable BAR is defined but never used." :severity :style-warning :location (:location ... ... nil) :references nil :short-message "The variable BAR is defined but never used.")) :key slime-note\.severity) (let* ((new-severity ...) (new-message ...) (new-references ...)) (let (...) (setf ... new-message) (setf ... new-severity) (setf ... new-references) new-note)) slime-merge-notes(((:message "--> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n==>\n (SB-IMPL::%DEFUN 'FOO (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL)) NIL\n 'NIL (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION))\nThe variable BAR is defined but never used." :severity :style-warning :location (:location ... ... nil) :references nil :short-message "The variable BAR is defined but never used."))) mapcar(slime-merge-notes (((:message "--> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n==>\n (SB-IMPL::%DEFUN 'FOO (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL)) NIL\n 'NIL (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION))\nThe variable BAR is defined but never used." :severity :style-warning :location ... :references nil :short-message "The variable BAR is defined but never used.")))) slime-merge-notes-for-display(((:message "--> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n==>\n (SB-IMPL::%DEFUN 'FOO (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL)) NIL\n 'NIL (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION))\nThe variable BAR is defined but never used." :severity :style-warning :location (:location ... ... nil) :references nil :short-message "The variable BAR is defined but never used."))) (mapc (function slime-overlay-note) (slime-merge-notes-for-display notes)) (save-excursion (slime-remove-old-overlays) (mapc (function slime-overlay-note) (slime-merge-notes-for-display notes))) (progn (when with-temp-message (setq current-message ...) (message "%s" with-temp-message)) (save-excursion (slime-remove-old-overlays) (mapc ... ...))) (unwind-protect (progn (when with-temp-message ... ...) (save-excursion ... ...)) (and with-temp-message (if current-message ... ...))) (let ((with-temp-message "Highlighting notes...") (current-message)) (unwind-protect (progn ... ...) (and with-temp-message ...))) (with-temp-message "Highlighting notes..." (save-excursion (slime-remove-old-overlays) (mapc ... ...))) slime-highlight-notes(((:message "--> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n==>\n (SB-IMPL::%DEFUN 'FOO (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL)) NIL\n 'NIL (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION))\nThe variable BAR is defined but never used." :severity :style-warning :location (:location ... ... nil) :references nil :short-message "The variable BAR is defined but never used."))) (progn (slime-highlight-notes notes)) (if slime-highlight-compiler-notes (progn (slime-highlight-notes notes))) (when slime-highlight-compiler-notes (slime-highlight-notes notes)) (let* ((--cl-rest-- result) (result ...) (secs ...)) (slime-show-note-counts notes secs) (when slime-highlight-compiler-notes (slime-highlight-notes notes))) (progn (let* (... ... ...) (slime-show-note-counts notes secs) (when slime-highlight-compiler-notes ...))) (destructuring-bind (result secs) result (slime-show-note-counts notes secs) (when slime-highlight-compiler-notes (slime-highlight-notes notes))) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buffer) (setf slime-compilation-just-finished t) (destructuring-bind (result secs) result (slime-show-note-counts notes secs) (when slime-highlight-compiler-notes ...))) (with-current-buffer buffer (setf slime-compilation-just-finished t) (destructuring-bind (result secs) result (slime-show-note-counts notes secs) (when slime-highlight-compiler-notes ...))) (let ((notes ...)) (with-current-buffer buffer (setf slime-compilation-just-finished t) (destructuring-bind ... result ... ...)) (run-hook-with-args (quote slime-compilation-finished-hook) notes window-config)) slime-compilation-finished(("T" "0.01") # nil) (lambda (G40537 G40538 result) (slime-compilation-finished result (symbol-value G40538) (symbol-value G40537)))(--config-- --buffer-- ("T" "0.01")) apply((lambda (G40537 G40538 result) (slime-compilation-finished result (symbol-value G40538) (symbol-value G40537))) --config-- --buffer-- ("T" "0.01")) (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (lambda ... ...) (quote --config--) (quote --buffer--) --cl-rest--))(("T" "0.01")) funcall((lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (lambda ... ...) (quote --config--) (quote --buffer--) --cl-rest--)) ("T" "0.01")) (if (symbol-value G40543) (funcall (symbol-value G40543) result)) (let* ((--cl-rest-- rand-40541) (result ...)) (if (symbol-value G40543) (funcall ... result))) (cond ((eql op-40540 ...) (let* ... ...)) ((eql op-40540 ...) (let* ... ... ...)) (t (error "Elisp destructure-case failed: %S" tmp-40542))) (let* ((tmp-40542 G40539) (op-40540 ...) (rand-40541 ...)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (t ...))) (lambda (G40543 G40539) (let* (... ... ...) (cond ... ... ...)))(--cont-- (:ok ("T" "0.01"))) apply((lambda (G40543 G40539) (let* (... ... ...) (cond ... ... ...))) --cont-- (:ok ("T" "0.01"))) (lambda (&rest --cl-rest--) (apply (lambda ... ...) (quote --cont--) --cl-rest--))((:ok ("T" "0.01"))) slime-dispatch-event((:return (:ok ("T" "0.01")) 5) #) slime-process-available-input(#) slime-net-filter(# "00001E(:return (:ok (\"T\" \"0.01\")) 5)")