(:emacs-rex (swank:connection-info) nil t 1) (:indentation-update (("without-package-locks" . 0) ("with-unlocked-packages" . 1) ("with-timeout" . 1) ("define-source-context" . 2) ("defun-cached" . 2) ("with-unique-names" . 1) ("once-only" . 1) ("collect" . 1) ("with-rebound-io-syntax" . 0) ("defmacro-mundanely" . 2) ("dohash" . 1) ("named-let" . 2) ("binding*" . 1) ("with-float-traps-masked" . 1) ("prepare-for-fast-read-byte" . 1) ("awhen" . 1) ("with-sane-io-syntax" . 0) ("dovector" . 1) ("named-lambda" . 2) ("prepare-for-fast-read-char" . 1) ...)) (:return (:ok (:pid 32163 :style :spawn :lisp-implementation (:type "SBCL" :name "sbcl" :version "1.0.6") :machine (:instance "pu100877.student.princeton.edu" :type "X86" :version "Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz") :features (:sb-bsd-sockets-addrinfo :asdf :clc-os-debian :common-lisp-controller :sb-futex :sb-thread :ansi-cl :common-lisp :sbcl :unix :sb-doc :sb-test :sb-ldb :sb-package-locks :sb-unicode :sb-eval :sb-source-locations :ieee-floating-point :x86 :elf ...) :package (:name "COMMON-LISP-USER" :prompt "CL-USER") :version "2007-06-28")) 1) (:emacs-rex (swank:compile-string-for-emacs "(defun foo (bar)\n nil)\n" "foo.lisp" 172 "/tmp/") nil t 2) (:write-string "\n; compiling file \"/tmp/fileA6u3le.lisp\" (written 05 JUL 2007 04:09:17 PM):\n\n; file: /tmp/fileA6u3le.lisp\n; in: DEFUN FOO\n; DEFUN\n; --> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n; ==>\n; (SB-IMPL::%DEFUN 'FOO (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL)) NIL\n; 'NIL (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION))\n; \n; caught STYLE-WARNING:\n; The variable BAR is defined but never used.\n\n; /tmp/fileA6u3le.fasl written\n; compilation finished in 0:00:01\n; \n; compilation unit finished\n; caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition\n") (:return (:ok ("T" "0.15")) 2) (:emacs-rex (swank:compiler-notes-for-emacs) nil t 3) (:return (:ok ((:message "--> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n==>\n (SB-IMPL::%DEFUN 'FOO (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL)) NIL\n 'NIL (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION))\nThe variable BAR is defined but never used." :severity :style-warning :location (:location (:buffer "foo.lisp") (:position 172) nil) :references nil :short-message "The variable BAR is defined but never used."))) 3) (:emacs-rex (swank:interactive-eval "(defun foo (bar)\n nil)") nil t 4) (:write-string "; in: LAMBDA NIL\n; SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA\n; ==>\n; #'(SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL))\n; \n; caught STYLE-WARNING:\n; The variable BAR is defined but never used.\n; \n; compilation unit finished\n; caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition\nSTYLE-WARNING: redefining FOO in DEFUN\n") (:return (:ok "=> FOO") 4) (:emacs-rex (swank:compile-string-for-emacs "(defun foo (bar)\n nil)\n" "foo.lisp" 172 "/tmp/") nil t 5) (:write-string "; compiling file \"/tmp/fileQUH7jt.lisp\" (written 05 JUL 2007 04:09:35 PM):\n\n; file: /tmp/fileQUH7jt.lisp\n; in: DEFUN FOO\n; DEFUN\n; --> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n; ==>\n; (SB-IMPL::%DEFUN 'FOO (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL)) NIL\n; 'NIL (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION))\n; \n; caught STYLE-WARNING:\n; The variable BAR is defined but never used.\n\n; /tmp/fileQUH7jt.fasl written\n; compilation finished in 0:00:00\n; \n; compilation unit finished\n; caught 1 STYLE-WARNING condition\nSTYLE-WARNING: redefining FOO in DEFUN\n") (:return (:ok ("T" "0.01")) 5) (:emacs-rex (swank:compiler-notes-for-emacs) nil t 6) (:return (:ok ((:message "--> PROGN EVAL-WHEN \n==>\n (SB-IMPL::%DEFUN 'FOO (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA FOO (BAR) (BLOCK FOO NIL)) NIL\n 'NIL (SB-C:SOURCE-LOCATION))\nThe variable BAR is defined but never used." :severity :style-warning :location (:location (:buffer "foo.lisp") (:position 172) nil) :references nil :short-message "The variable BAR is defined but never used."))) 6)