Hello slime developers: I decided to run slime/test.sh today (for the first time ever) after downloading the latest slime using: cvs -d :pserver:anonymous:anonymous@common-lisp.net:/project/slime/cvsroot co slime and it showed what I think are minor errors. I used "./test.sh emacs sbcl" to start the test from my slime source directory and the failed tests are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FAILED: Initial macroexpansion is correct: expected: ["(list :yxcv (qwertz :a :b :c))"] actual: ["(list :yxcv (qwertz :a :b :c))"] FAILED: In-place macroexpansion is correct: expected: ["(list :yxcv (list :qwertz '(:a :b :c)))"] actual: ["(list :yxcv (list :qwertz '(:a :b :c)))"] FAILED: Expansion after undo is correct: expected: ["(list :yxcv (qwertz :a :b :c))"] actual: ["(list :yxcv (qwertz :a :b :c))"] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm using the following emacs, sbcl, and linux: GNU Emacs 23.1.1 SBCL 1.0.55 PCLinuxOS release 2012 (PCLinuxOS) for i586 Since I've never run test.sh before, I don't know if these are recurring errors that should be ignored, so I thought I'd mention them to see what your reaction is. Thanks, Paul Bowyer