Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> writes:
Luke Gorrie <luke@synap.se> writes:
Cool. I added some notes about the new inspector. I wonder if we're actually using the INSPECTOR argument to INSPECT-IN-EMACS anywhere? Can we remove it, or?
I think it's used to dispatch to backend specific methods while still having a fallback method in the front end, e.g., we have methods for:
inspect-for-emacs (object function) (inspector t) ; in swank.lisp inspect-for-emacs (object function) (inspector lispworks-inspector)
The inspector argument is only used to select the method. If we remove the inspector argument, then one method overwrites the other.
Even with the inspector argument, doesn't the backend-specific method completely shadow the generic one? Maybe the idea is to fall back if you decide to remove the backend-specific method?
BTW, I'd like to remove cl-indent.el from SLIME, because nobody worked on it. Any objections?
Not from me. I was going to suggest that we remove metering.lisp but instead I made a sweep through and tried to remove all the reader-conditional cruft for Lisps other than CLISP and OpenMCL. There was a heck of a lot of it so I might have made some mistakes. Too bad I didn't think to do something like (setf *features* (list* :openmcl :clisp (remove :cmucl *features*))) and then let the syntax highlighting show me which code was needed!