On Thu, 08 Sep 2011 17:24:03 +0000, Sebastian Tennant said:
Hi list,
Recently the *slime-description* buffer started popping up every time a condition is signalled in SLIME's REPL (although I can see nothing about this in the ChangeLog file).
--- *slime-repl sbcl* --- ; SLIME 2011-07-03 CL-USER> foo ; Evaluation aborted on #<UNBOUND-VARIABLE FOO {CE10179}>. CL-USER> -------------------------
--- *slime-description* --- The variable FOO is unbound. ---------------------------
Try as I might, I cannot get used to this behaviour as it completely messes with my buffer/window configuration.
Furthermore, I've had the function:
(defun sldb-print-condition () (interactive) (unless sldb-condition (error "No condition known (wrong buffer?)")) (slime-write-string (format "%s\n%s\n" (first sldb-condition) (second sldb-condition))))
defined in my ~/.emacs since it was silently commented out in slime.el roughly a couple of years ago.
It was activated by the following additional line in my ~/.emacs:
(add-hook 'sldb-hook 'sldb-print-condition)
and it performed the task of automatically printing the SLDB condition in SLIME's REPL after SLDB exits. There's no error, but this no longer works, i.e., the condition is no longer printed in the REPL.
How can I prevent the *slime-description* buffer forn poppping up all the time and restore the functionality that I used to gain from adding 'sldb-print-condition to sldb-hook?
sldb-print-condition has been added back to slime.el, so you need to rename your funtion. It is probably better to avoid names beginning with sldb- or slime-. -- Martin Simmons LispWorks Ltd http://www.lispworks.com/