On 9/29/2010 4:37 PM, Matthias Koeppe wrote:
* slime-stream-p can be dynamically overridden with *slime-stream-p*; useful when writing to a mem buffer or some other location that will be dumped to a slime stream but is natively detectable as such. I'm not sure about the last change. I don't think it can work in a non-dedicated stream setup because the presentation boundaries are signalled out-of-band.
Yeah, that use case I gave only works for dedicated output streams, but it at least doesn't get in the way for non-dedicated. The use case I have (a stream logger who's printed objects are automatically presentations where appropriate) is precisely as above though: I want to print to a memory buffer and then dump that to the dedicated stream. When running a bunch of threads this still isn't threadsafe behavior by any means but it reduces the critical section to just (write-sequence <short-message> stream). I expanded the docstring to make it clearer[1]. I'll poke around a bit more to see if I can come up with a better idea but this works pretty well for me. Thanks for the feedback! [1] http://github.com/UnwashedMeme/slime/commit/f381c3341ccd059191a309c628aaa2f4... Do y'all use the nablaone/slime github cvs mirror? are flat patchfiles (updated patch attached) still preferred? -- Nathan Bird nathan@acceleration.net http://www.acceleration.net/ Custom Programming, Design, Hosting, and Broadband.