Helmut Eller <e9626484@stud3.tuwien.ac.at> writes:
The swank code is recompiled if the one of the .lisp source files is newer than the corresponding fasl file and Emacs asks if he should recompile slime.el if an old slime.elc lies around. But we just abort when the Lisp and ELisp versions are out sync. Not sure if a more automatic mechanism is worth the trouble.
I have added some code to auto-detect if slime.elc is older than slime.el -- I wonder if that would be sufficient now? With stale bytecode out of the way AFAICS the ChangeLog test just catches people doing "cvs update" but then only restarting one of Emacs and Lisp. If word gets around that you should restart both Emacs and Lisp after a cvs update (unless you know what you're doing) then maybe that won't be such a big problem, and we can remove the test? -Luke