On Fri, 02 Jul 2004 10:41:03 +0200, peder@klingenberg.no (Peder O. Klingenberg) said:
Peder> At least in my version of lispworks 4.2, the *feature* contains Peder> :LISPWORKS4.2, but no :LISPWORKS-4.2. Peder> This breaks the test for LW 4.3 or above in slime-lispworks.lisp. The Peder> following simple patch agains CVS HEAD fixes it for me. I've left the Peder> existing symbols in place in case this is something that changes with Peder> patchlevel or something, and included LISPWORKS4.1 for completeness. Peder> =================================================================== Peder> RCS file: /project/slime/cvsroot/slime/swank-lispworks.lisp,v Peder> retrieving revision 1.50 Peder> diff -u -b -r1.50 swank-lispworks.lisp Peder> --- swank-lispworks.lisp 1 Jul 2004 06:33:18 -0000 1.50 Peder> +++ swank-lispworks.lisp 2 Jul 2004 07:59:18 -0000 Peder> @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ Peder> (*readtable* ,readtable)) Peder> ,@body))))) Peder> -#-(or lispworks-4.1 lispworks-4.2) ; no dspec:parse-form-dspec prior to 4.3 Peder> +#-(or lispworks-4.1 lispworks-4.2 lispworks4.1 lispworks4.2) ; no dspec:parse-form-dspec prior to 4.3 Peder> (defun dspec-stream-position (stream dspec) Peder> (with-fairly-standard-io-syntax Peder> (loop (let* ((pos (file-position stream)) Thanks, :LISPWORKS-4.x was a typo and there are a couple more later which I'll fix as well. I'm not sure what you mean about it breaking LW 4.3 or above though, because those versions don't have either :LISPWORKS-4.2 or :LISPWORKS4.2 on the features, so the expressions will be equivalent. __Martin