I find that slime is very unforgiving when one accidently types a nonexistent package name into a Lisp slime buffer. In CMUCL, Lisp enters the debugger, and slime selects the *sldb* buffer with the message: Type-error in LISP::PACKAGE-OR-LOSE: "" is not of type PACKAGE [Condition of type TYPE-ERROR] Restarts: 0: [CONTINUE] Make this package. ... Backtrace: 0: (LISP::PACKAGE-OR-LOSE "FEATURE-SET-PATHNAMES-CME") 1: (FIND-SYMBOL "*RADIUS-SITE-GLUE2*" "FEATURE-SET-PATHNAMES-CME") 2: ("DEFSLIMEFUN VARIABLE-DESC-FOR-ECHO-AREA") Locals: SWANK::SYM = #:INVALID SWANK::VARIABLE-NAME = #:INVALID [No catch-tags] 3: (SWANK:VARIABLE-DESC-FOR-ECHO-AREA "feature-set-pathnames-cme::*radius-site-glue2*") I appear to be unable to correct the mistake by editing the erroneous package name, because as soon as I switch to the Lisp slime buffer and position "point" at the erroneous package name, the error reoccurs placing me back in the *sldb* buffer. The same problem also occurs with slime and Allegro 6.2. Is there any simple fix to this problem?