Related to all of this is the question of actually quitting the underlying Lisp. Presumably some folks who use SLIME to connect to a remote Lisp will want to be able to disconnect the last (or only) SLIME REPL without killing the Lisp and perhaps reconnect to it later.
Totally agree, that's my expected behaviour but it doesn't work.
~ create a swank server with ACL on localhost ~ start Emacs with SLIME and do M-x slime-connect on localhost ~ got the repl, fine ~ quit slime, quits ACL which is bad
however when I use slime-disconnect, its better but it's seems that the disconnection is not well handled in the swank server. As a result, I can't reconnect to it.
/I guess it's a bug I already had and is about the way we close sockets, it should be handled with care. I guess I have some code somewhere to handle this./