18 May
18 May
4:42 p.m.
G'day Martin,
I'm probably missing something obvious, but how do you change directory using shortcuts?
Use the `push-directory' (alias pushd) shortcut.
Should there be more shortcuts?
Yes indeed. The mechanism is fairly new, I don't think we need one for shell commands since we already have `M-!' in Emacs for that.
BTW, I can't seem to get the load-system shortcut to work either.
I type ,load-system and then I get the following error message:
cannot supply a type without a name: #<PATHNAME
This should be fixed in CVS HEAD. I suggest upgrading, these days HEAD itself is fairly stable. We send cautionary mails to the list if we're going to majorly break something, but we haven't had to for ages. Cheers, Luke