Hi! I've just committed a new implementation of TRANSPOSE-LISTS (see below) because the old one (although it was cute) had problems with CALL-ARGUMENTS-LIMIT. Light testing reveals no problems with the Lisps I have on my hard drive but maybe some LOOP black belt detects a violation of the spec that I don't see. Cheers, Edi. (defun transpose-lists (lists) "Turn a list-of-lists on its side. If the rows are of unequal length, truncate uniformly to the shortest. For example: \(transpose-lists '((ONE TWO THREE) (1 2))) => ((ONE 1) (TWO 2))" (catch 'done (loop with result with collectors = (loop for list in lists collect (let ((list list)) (lambda () (cond ((null list) (throw 'done result)) (t (pop list)))))) collect (loop for collector in collectors collect (funcall collector)) into temp-result do (setq result temp-result))))