* Tamas Papp [2011-08-25 14:14] writes:
When compiling a code snippet with C-c C-c, I get the following error in SLIME:
Invalid protocol message: SB-INT:SIMPLE-READER-ERROR at 191 (line 3, column 41) on #<SB-IMPL::STRING-INPUT-STREAM
{10049826B1}>: illegal sharp macro character: #\
"(:emacs-rex (swank:compile-string-for-emacs \"(defun show-pdf (pathname) (external-program:start \\\"xpdf\\\" (list (namestring pathname) \\\"-z page\\\"))) \" #(\"external.lisp\" 0 13 (buffer-name #2 buffer #<buffer external.lisp> font-lock-face buffer-menu-buffer mouse-face highlight help-echo \"mouse-2: select this buffer\")) (quote ((:position 1951) (:line 43 1))) \"/home/tamas/src/lisp/cl-pgf/external.lisp\" (quote nil)) \":cl-pgf\" t 88) "
It looks like something added text properties to the string returned by buffer-name. Do you use a package like iswitch-buffer that, unintentionally, adds text properties to buffer names? We could always strip text properties just to be sure but that's rather awkward. Helmut