On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 8:28 PM, Charlie Andrews <charlieandrews.cwa@gmail.com> wrote:
I am working on the recently released lisp implementation clasp (https://github.com/drmeister/clasp), and I would like to get it working in slime. I am wondering if there is a general purpose document for adding support for slime to a new implementation out there some where? If not, where is a good place to begin?
I'm not aware of such a document, but this recent commit adds support for the MKCL implementation (a fork of ECL): <https://github.com/slime/slime/commit/102942bb6f9e60e07961a1844a762dcf7b336a77>. It shows, albeit with some whitespace noise, what places need to be aware that a new implementation exists. Other than that, it should a matter of adding the various defimplementation definitions for each of SWANK's interfaces which are declared and documented in swank/backend.lisp. Looking at the other Lisp implementation backends (e.g. swank/sbcl.lisp should also be enlightening). Cheers, -- Luís Oliveira http://kerno.org/~luis/