Here is the new and improved interface for the fuzzy completion system. Please don't try the old one at this point, it was crap. The modality of the previous attempt at an interface is completely gone. Now all normal emacs commands work in the completions buffer. (Yay!) What happens is that if the completion area changes in the destination buffer outside the control of the completions buffer, it will automatically close the next time it tries to replace it. This seems much better to me than the hacky overriding keymap that I used before. In addition to all normal commands working in the completion buffer, I added the typical mouse-2 gesture for picking a completion by mouse. I tied into the window-configuration-change-hook to try and make the completions buffer go away all the time when closed, but never if the user has changed window configurations in the interim. I also added documentation to the external interfaces (more is still needed, but at least it's documented from a user perspective now.) Finally, the score function was modified a tiny bit to give some more weight to longer matched chunks. It is still bound to C-c M-i. I personally have bound it to C-c C-i in my local config, alongside the regular slime-complete-symbol which I have always used with C-M-i. This is a patch from pristine CVS as of Wed Jun 16 07:30:00 GMT 2004. (disregard the old patch, this supersedes it.) Again, comments and thoughts for improvement are appreciated. -bcd -- *** Brian Downing <bdowning at lavos dot net>