* Henda Carvalho [2006-06-13 19:35+0200] writes:
I changed the code to:
(save-current-buffer (slime-disconnect) (if (get-buffer "*inferior-lisp*") (kill-buffer "*inferior-lisp*")) (slime) (while (not (slime-connected-p)) (sleep-for 1)))
I could be wrong, but I think sleep-for doesn't do what you think it does. In particular, sleep-for doesn't call timer functions, which is needed to toggle the connected-p flag. Try sit-for instead. Consider something like: (lexical-let ((hook nil) (done nil)) (setq hook (lambda () (remove-hook 'slime-connected-hook hook) (setq done t))) (add-hook 'slime-connected-hook hook) (slime) (while (not done) (sit-for 1)))
and it stays in the 'while' loop for more than 5 minutes (i "only" waited 5 minutes), meaning that 'slime-connected-p' is returning 'nil'...
Can you tell why i can't make the connection?
Again I could be wrong, but apparently you are trying to restart the Lisp process and connecting to it. Have a look at slime-restart-inferior-lisp(-aux) to see how to properly kill the process. Helmut.